One of the coolest things about visiting Paris is seeing the number of people of every age who cycle for transportation.
And so elegant! No sweaty Spandex for these cyclists, even the many who ride bicycles from the Vélib’ bike-sharing program! No hair-flattening helmets usually either, as they are recommended but not mandatory.Instead you'll see insouciant women wearing sassy ensembles with matching heels, their handbags slung carelessly over their shoulders, effortlessly glamorous whether they are shopping for groceries or heading to the office.
It goes without saying that men are equally debonair in their suits and glossy wingtips, with scarves not to keep warm, but to accessorize. Ah, Paris. Sigh!
This gallery from my archives also includes a few photos from Italy.
This woman surely embodies Parisian cycling glam, non?

Stylish at every age: Check out this woman's floral flats.
I love this older cyclist's blue blazer over a blue shirt, with snazzy socks and dress shoes.
This debonair cyclist's grey bicycle is part of the Vélib' bike-sharing program.
A lovely dress, chunky jewelry and open-toed pumps; handbag on the handlebars.

Just riding to work along the Seine ... (Note the helmet in the bicycle basket.)
This woman is probably cycling to work, but has room for a child in the back later on.
Looks like a casual day for this man but, even so, he's properly shod.
Jumping over to Italy: This woman, who I photographed in Pisa, is my hero! Bags galore are clearly not a deterrent to looking chic.
Still in Italy: I photographed this sartorially splendid cyclist in Florence at the Piazza di Santa Croce, which our Airbnb overlooked.
A bit of an edgier look.
Another cyclist on a Vélib’ en route to work.
Cycling past the Musée d'Orsay on the Left Bank of the Seine.
The scarf, the shades, the silver 'do!
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